Australian Federalism


, The Future of Australian Federalism (2nd edition: ) St. Lucia, QLD: University of Queensland Press ISBN 0 7022 0605 9

and , The Australian Federal System () George Allen & Unwin ISBN 0 86861 072 0

Brian Galligan (ed), Australian Federalism () Longman Cheshire ISBN 0 582 71188 6

Judicial Federalism

, Australian Federalism in the Courts () Melbourne University Press pp 262

The High Court

and , ‘The High Court and Australian Federalism’ () Publius: The Journal of Federalism 35(3) pp 467488 doi:10.1093/publius/pji018

, ‘The High Court of Australia: Textual Unitarism vs Structural Federalism’, ch 2 (pp 29–68) in Nicholas Aroney and John Kincaid (eds), Courts in Federal Countries: Federalists or Unitarists? () Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press